Wednesday, October 3, 2012

150 - Tourist Trap

    A bunch of teens are driving to some touristy spot, and they get a flat tire.  They wind up finding the destination, and a run down gas station.  They're greeted by the resident.  Gradually the teens are being dispatched by a masked, telekinetic killer, who uses mannequins to do his bidding.
    I wasn't expecting too much from this, but I've been pleasantly surprised.  It's not bad.  In fact, it's kind of interesting.  That isn't to say that it's especially good, but it is memorable.
    This movie has a 6.1 on IMDB.  That's very good for a horror movie - especially for a horror movie from 1979!  Even better for a cheap horror movie from 1979!
    The performances from the teens are generally fine.  No one stands out.  The villain is handled very well, and he seems just creepy enough for most of the movie, before cranking things up for the last reel.
    The telekinetic angle is very interesting.  They don't try to explain it at all, but it provides a great explanation for mannequins moving on their own.  And mannequins are creepy enough without moving.  There are plenty of really creepy bits, where the mannequins have jointed mouths, and they drop open and scream.
    Most of the movie has this very strange feeling, like the whole thing is a nightmare.  It's a very detailed nightmare, and it's the sort of thing that would have a really powerful impact on younger viewers.
    And another peculiar detail about the movie - it's rated PG!  There's a fair amount of blood.  No real gore.  There's an asphyxiation, as well as a death by knife to the back of the head, as well as another with an axe.

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