Tuesday, June 19, 2012

99 - Meatballs

    Summer fun at a camp, starring Bill Murray.

    I love camp movies.  I went to camp between 3rd or 4th grade, up through around Freshman year of high school.  The experience varied a lot, and some years were just great, but toward the end it wasn't that good.
    My favorite camp movie is Poison Ivy, a 1984 TV movie starring Michael J. Fox.  But I suppose Meatballs can be a close second.  It's been a long time since I saw it, and my impression has softened.  It's really a very clean comedy.  There are occasional moments of risqué humor, but it's all very appropriate to the age groups.
    While the movie stars Bill Murray, he's more restrained than he could be.  He's having a good time, but he seems very in control of his humor.  This actually an interesting distinction.  He uses his humor in a responsible way.  He doesn't pick on anyone in a cruel way, and the humor is often self-depreciating.  For a charismatic person, he's more likable than they usually are.

    The rest of the staff is where the movie really works for me.  The staff is… realistic.  There's an assortment of attractive and unattractive characters, but despite limited character development opportunities, I can believe who they are.

    There's a lot of humor, but most of it doesn't play like most comedies do.  The moments are played like they are real, and the direction doesn't push you to laugh at it.  The result is that the movie feels funny, but it has a sweetness to it, like it's stirred up the things that were wonderful about camp.

    Sadly, I kind of wish there were a bit more content involving the campers, rather than so much focus on the CITs.  But it remains summer camp fun.

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