Sunday, January 15, 2012

15 - Private Resort

    The box for this movie is memorable - a shot of a bunch of women sunbathing.

    I've gotten halfway through this movie, and I feel the need to take some notes before I forget any of this.  There isn't much plot - two guys hang around at a private resort, watching girls.  One guy seems to be into a waitress, the other seems to be into some rich girl (I think).  There are all sorts of wacky hijinks.  None of it is too funny.

    But the movie is noteworthy because it has a young Johnny Depp in it.  And his character is surprisingly dislikable.  At one point, he gives his friend quaaludes in an aspirin bottle, so that his friend can give one to a girl.  It isn't very explicit, but it's implied that he's encouraging the idea of drugging her.

    For a movie that's nearly wall-to-wall girls in bikinis, with most shots centered right below the neck, and cut right above the thigh, it's remarkably un-erotic.  Most of the girls look roughly the same.

    Now that I've finished it, things get a little more fun toward the end.  It's a little annoying that they resorted to a karate-fighting grandma.  There's also a minimal character that is obviously trying to rip off Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times.  That's more of an annoyance.

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