Monday, September 8, 2014

159 - Lizzie Borden Took An Axe

    A retelling of the Lizzie Borden murders, trial, and aftermath.
    A made-for-TV movie.  At least it stars Christina Ricci, although I don’t think she’s as cute as she used to be.
    My expectations for this kind of production are low.  Poor effects are excusable, weaknesses in the script are usually acceptable.
    But this movie has some unusual problems.
    First, it’s very clearly intended to be a true account of the crimes.  This is derailed at the end, when Lizzie tells her sister how she killed their parents.  There are a number of elements that don’t feel right… facts that just aren’t in the original case, information that was left out.
    The second problem is the really weird one.  The music.  There’s this hilarious generic rock music used as cues throughout the movie.  The music itself wasn’t objectionable, but it takes the viewer out of the time period.  Maybe there should be some rules for using modern rock as a soundtrack.  It’s okay to use it in a period movie, when there’s supposed to be a modern edge to it.  This is possible in things like… Wild Wild West.  In this movie, it feels really weird.
    Otherwise… there are some good gore effects, even though they aren’t complicated.  It’s a forgettable version of the story.

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