Friday, October 18, 2013

159 - This is the End

    A bunch of celebrity friends are attending a party at James Franco's house when the apocalypse happens.
    A very entertaining comedy, but I can't help but notice how indulgent the movie is.  By that, I mean that there are plenty of scenes that don't advance the story, but are only there to generate laughs.  I have the impression that the whole movie was lots of fun to shoot, even though the effects work in post production must have been a bit more grueling.
    But the fun of it shines through.  You don't need to have a close knowledge of the actors, although I think it helps to know what kind of character Michael Cera usually plays.  The cast has a lot of fun, because they're all playing ridiculous versions of themselves.
    I actually wonder about if the movie is intended to point out the amount that audiences tend to imprint actors with the characters they play.  This movie does a marvelous job of forcing the audience to break that connection.  If I were to run into Franco, or Seth Rogan in the street, I wouldn't assume that they are anything like their representations in this movie.  Then again, I don't know if I could separate them from their work on Freaks & Geeks.
    The movie does run a little long, but it's still pretty solidly good.  I actually lost more interest as we learn more about the apocalypse, which is unusual.
    A bit of a spoiler here, but I really liked the design of the devil.  Or, what I assume is the devil.  How they handled the extra heads was really clever.

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