Thursday, October 3, 2013

146 - Sex Sells: The Making of 'Touché'

    A movie about a documentary filmmaker making a movie about a porn filmmaker making his last movie.
    I was more skeptical about this as I started it, but as I kept watching, the focus of the movie shifted.  The movie starts off as a broad comedy, and not a very clever one.  Gradually, a plot comes out, and takes more and more time away from the comedy.  This works pretty well, and it did make my feelings about it soften.
    The comedy is mostly pretty weak.  You can easily imagine that the writers thought "Oh, if we set this on a porn movie, there's all this humor to be mined from that.  We can make the production as hilarious and nonsensical as possible, it practically writes itself!"  These jokes are dumb, hacky ones.  I'm not impressed.  A lot of sequences early on seem to be based around the idea of fighting the public perception of porn.  Anyone watching the movie doesn't need to hear these arguments.
    But once the main story comes around, things get more interesting.  One of the young stars believes that she is the daughter of the older female star.  They've both worked with this same production house, but they've never done a scene together.  The young star uses the documentary filmmaker as a go-between to collect information from the older star, who is sick of being asked personal questions.

    I can't really recommend this movie to most people.  There's a lot of weak material that needs to be ignored in order to enjoy it.

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