Sunday, September 2, 2012

136 - Party Animal

    A southern college student is desperate to get laid.

    I suppose it was eventual that I would hit a pretty fun 80s teen sex comedy.  This is a really strange movie, and something about it feels like a sexual fever dream.  There are often brief interludes that focus on a group of girls, usually doing something vaguely sexy.  But most of this is kept very clean.  There isn't nearly as much nudity as similar movies.
    It's a pretty short movie - official running time is 1:17, but the last five minutes seem to be credits.  The short running time makes the structure even more strange.  It takes until the last 20 minutes for the real plot point to be reached, and then that takes another 10 minutes to come to fruition.  The result is that the movie feels weirdly unbalanced.  Like… nothing happening for 50 minutes.  Then something starts to happen for 10 minutes.  Then things wind down for the next 12 minutes.
    The ending is also comically bleak, but it fits in with the movie pretty well.

    For a movie for this time period - and of this genre, it's really pretty artsy.
    Did I love it?  No, the script and performances weren't enough to bring it up to a classic 80s status, but I did enjoy it much more than I expected.

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