Tuesday, November 27, 2012

172 - Sheltered

    A handful of people on a vacation stop by a bar when a huge storm comes.  The bartender offers that they can come ride out the storm at his place.  They go there, where people behave strangely, eventually leading to some deaths.
    Usually, if a movie is bad - legitimately bad - I find myself more angry at the movie.  This means that it made blatant missteps, ones that I was upset that they took.  There are seriously bad movies, ones that I can't actually sit through.  But usually that requires being technically deficient in at least one way.  In this case, the movie is bad, but I have a hard time mustering any strong feelings about it.
    In a weird way, the movie is a ripoff of Psycho.  The politeness, the mannerisms of the killer, all scream that they wanted him to be a Norman Bates-like character.  He's got issues with his parents, although it seems to be more of a relationship with the house, and cleanliness.  But that never seems to matter too much.
    The movie suffers from problems with having very little plot, combined with very little tension, and it's all compounded by a script that seems irrelevant.  None of the characters take any actions that make sense.  They get invited to a stranger's house?  Why not go?  Instead of staying in a public establishment that they also know is safe.  When they enter a stranger's house - as a guest - the first thing someone does is find some alcohol and start drinking it.  These people aren't teens.  They decide that they should just party their way through the storm.  All of this is made without the consent or blessing of their host.  Of course, he doesn't seem to care, which doesn't make much sense either.
    At one point, the killer has killed a token character who showed up to add to the body count.  When the other people discover her, they freak out a bit, which makes sense.  They believe the idea that she slit her own wrists.  No one seems to notice that she seems to have left a lot of blood around the place.  The concern about her seems to disappear pretty fast as well.
    The sound on the movie is pretty badly mixed.  There are some fairly fun original songs used, which is nice.  But then there are plenty of storm sounds.  And then characters alternate between screaming, and whispering dialogue.  I missed plenty of lines because of the poor mixing.
    Near the end, the killer shoots his brother.  It looks like he's been shot in the heart (although this could just be the upper chest, on the heart side).  He collapses.  After some other stuff happens, the killer's brother returns in the last moments to save the girl.  He stabs the killer in the back.  He seems to be doing pretty well for having just been shot.
    After he yells at the girl to get out of the house, while he holds his dying brother, the girl exits, into the storm.  She washes herself in the rain in slow motion.  This is taking place about… 10 feet away from where the killer is being held.

    I can't pretend to understand a message to the movie.  Most of the scenes that tried to explain some sort of motivation for the killer were told in whispers.  I think I followed some of it, but it still didn't seem to explain anything.
    Still - this was one of 8 movies that I got for $5!  How could I go wrong?

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