Sunday, August 19, 2012

132 - What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

    An aging pair of actress sisters live together.  One of them in a wheelchair with a spinal injury, and the other one is working on killing off her sister and taking her estate.
    This movie shows up on several horror lists, and the title has something a little exploitative sounding about it.  Despite these elements, I never had much interest in seeing it.  I was under the impression that it was mostly two women arguing in an apartment.
    But it's a lot more than that.  A lot of the action takes place in other locations.  There are more characters.  Most of the movie isn't about them arguing, since one of them is clearly crazy, and the other is well in control of herself, if she's just a little too timid.
    The horror in this is pretty restrained.  There are a handful of violent moments, and they're shot carefully, and they aren't explicit at all.  Considering that Psycho came out a few years prior, it seems like they could have been a little more brutal.  The style of this violence reminds me a lot of The Haunting.
    What also stands out is the writing.  The relationship between the sisters is a little more melodramatic than it should be, but the abuse is horrible.  Stronger than I would expect.  The direction is solidly good.  And the makeup is fantastic.  There's something miserable in Bette Davis's appearance, and it brings the whole movie to life.  That isn't to say that Joan Crawford didn't do well.  While she doesn't get the same meaty part as Davis, she plays her role perfectly.

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